Friday, December 1, 2023

marriage getaway 2023 - ps kong hee and sun hoo - session 02

Communication is the key to marriage
We want intimacy and union in our marriage
Because we carry wounds from our past
The more husband and wife have healthy emotional the happier the marriage

2 things that set marriage back
1. Painful memories
2. Trauma of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual)

Dont build emotional walls in our marriage
We numb our ability to feel pain

I wont be affected by their fighting abuses 

Poor communication or zero communication between husband and wife
Conmunication means fellowship 
We need words
Words are really powerful
Words create power to build up
The whole universe was built by the Word of God hebrews 11:3

Faith comes hearing by the Word of God
Words go deep into a persons soul

Words can break a person
Job 19:2
How long will you break me into pieces with words?

We communicate by Words gesture spirit
Communication start to break down because of disappointment and anger
Relationship stop when you stop communicating

Both stop trying 
Relationship becomes abusive emotionally, verbally, physically
Raising volume when communicating
Nobody respond to violent communication

Communication is heart to heart
We have to share honestly dont just exchange facts or information about other people
Dont just talk about stuff that just logistic or superficial
Nothing personal
Everything seems safe behind a wall

Without communication our marrage dies
Learn to be honest even if challenging

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