Many years back, kong and sun planned holiday to langkawi malaysia. Supposed to be a romantic getaway, one day finished all the talking. Friendship get deeper and stronger after that.
What fuels the romance? Friendship
Doing little things together day in and day out
It is those little moment that we talked about
Keep turning toward each other every single day
A strong relationship requires choosing to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other
Friendship share detail of their lives with one another
Aware of each other
Yohanes 15:15 TB
[15] Aku tidak menyebut kamu lagi hamba, sebab hamba tidak tahu, apa yang diperbuat oleh tuannya, tetapi Aku menyebut kamu sahabat, karena Aku telah memberitahukan kepada kamu segala sesuatu yang telah Kudengar dari Bapa-Ku.
Knowledge is power
The more we know each other the better we cope with life events
What is the key to great sex : friendship
The greater and deeper friendship the more intense the sex will be
Friendship update one another
Why are we the closest of friends : automatic update on phone. To be able to keep your apps going. Updates each other
No updates will be outdated
Stay current on each other life
Share each other emotions
Friendship respect and affection
Filipi 2:3 TB
[3] dengan tidak mencari kepentingan sendiri atau puji-pujian yang sia-sia. Sebaliknya hendaklah dengan rendah hati yang seorang menganggap yang lain lebih utama dari pada dirinya sendiri;
1 Korintus 7:3 TB
[3] Hendaklah suami memenuhi kewajibannya terhadap isterinya, demikian pula isteri terhadap suaminya.
Dont raise voices when we are sad
Ephesians 4:11 AMP
[11] And [His gifts to the church were varied and] He Himself appointed some as apostles [special messengers, representatives], some as prophets [who speak a new message from God to the people], some as evangelists [who spread the good news of salvation], and some as pastors and teachers [to shepherd and guide and instruct],
Clamour yelling
Amsal 13:3 TB
[3] Siapa menjaga mulutnya, memelihara nyawanya, siapa yang lebar bibir, akan ditimpa kebinasaan.
Kolose 4:6 TB
[6] Hendaklah kata-katamu senantiasa penuh kasih, jangan hambar, sehingga kamu tahu, bagaimana kamu harus memberi jawab kepada setiap orang.
Expressing love through words and physical touch
It doesnt to be sexual it needs to be regular and intentional
Many marriage died of malnutrition of physical touch
What are rhe attribute you attracted to your spouse for the first time?
When spouse tells something about their problem
Show interest
Wait before offering solution
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