Saturday, December 7, 2019

Marriage getaway 2019 session 04

Marriage getaway session 04

God never promised easy but He promised good

I refuse to bring depression and sadness into our home even the circumstances happened to do so
We will fight even in the worst moment of our life

ingredients in our marriage to taste and see that the Lord is good
1. Vision 
Is your hope. Look to God's promises. Look to your church where you will grow. Your connect group. Look to your future with growth. Look to it with positive faith filled passion.
Where there is no vision we just watch tv, we just try to medicate the pain of our life. We try to make things better with vision.
Don't just survive. Look what the Lord has done when u look again backwards. What do you hope for for your marriage ?

2. Love
Love never fails. Love is God in our marriage. God is love. Love is always a choice. Nothing to do with how you feel. Love can become romantic. Love can be emotional. The act of love is not feeling. Love gives. Love cares.

1 cor 13:4-8
Love has so much to do with how you do not with how much you feel
You don't lose love you choose love. 
Not fall in love but you choose. Love is always a choice. We can stop choosing not to love. 

You never lose your salvation. You lose your key. However you can walk away from the Love of God. 

The devil really like to trick us
You don't have to get bored and cold heart. Decide to love your spouse and your church and the word of God. 
Chose to love even when....

Feelings follow choices

3. Communications
Ef 4:29
Don't use foul or abusive language. 

4. Forgiveness
Every relationship takes forgiveness. The longest marriage will still require forgiveness. The goal is to become quick to forgive. When you are so struggling, not feeling want to forgive. 

Forgiveness is not a feeling. You may still feel bad and hurt. But you can always choose to forgive. When days and months go by the feeling changes. 

When we forgive it keeps our relationship open with God. 
The one who won't forgive will suffer much more. People may not realize what they feel or they do, so choose to forgive for a stronger marriage. 

Forgiveness is an ingredient you can't leave out. Unforgiving hearts just like you eating a poison and hoping that the other person die because of it. Let go...

Sex is a celebration of love
Sex is not love
It can be an act of love
It can also be an act of lust
Sex is like money
Money is good but can be used to do bad things

In the bible there is no shame and embarrassment when having sex

Don't assume what you were doing. 
Movies doesn't picture a fulfilling sex
You can have physical climax but not spiritual connection
How can i do better?

When you got married all the time of our life you can't keep adding more into the sex life but you have to get to the basic ingredients. 

Is it sustainable ?
You can run out of things. This is to celebrate our love not to find fulfilment of our love. Love for sex not lust for sex. 

Minumlah air dari kulahmu sendiri, minumlah air dari sumurmu yang membual.  Patutkah mata airmu meluap ke luar seperti batang-batang air ke lapangan-lapangan?  Biarlah itu menjadi kepunyaanmu sendiri, jangan juga menjadi kepunyaan orang lain.  Diberkatilah kiranya sendangmu, bersukacitalah dengan isteri masa mudamu:
Amsal 5:15‭-‬18 TB

Men need to slow down be more loving caring
Not just in bed
Women need to get excited 
Intimacy in marriage is extremely important

Make connection on purpose anytime anywhere

Understand yourself
If you are addicted to alcohol stop in one glass even if your boss told you to drink again.  
Be a supportive wife. Don't condemn your spouse

The key to communication to your spouse : tell your spouse the feelings aspect. You can share your technical aspects to the one who understand. 

No secret at all between husband and wife

When you went through crisis you have reconciled and you struggle through communication
Start speaking new words

Death is in the power you say. You broke my trust. You broke my trust. You have what you say. Work at it together. 

Be attractive to your spouse. Jangan sampai dia cari temen ngobrol di tempat lain. 

Cut communication with your ex. Karena biasanya selingkuh diawali dari sana. Mulai dari berhubungan sama temen lama dll.

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