Friday, December 6, 2019

marriage getaway 2019 session 1 and 2

Mg 2019
Session 01
Ps jeffrey rachmat

Apa untungnya kita sukses diluaran sana kalau kita di rumah ga berhasil?
Acara ini tujuannya supaya pasangan satu sama lain intimate.
Semua kegiatan yang kita lakukan setelah pemberkatan nikah biasanya menjauhkan satu sama lain. Satunya kerja satunya ngurus anak. Harus ada usaha dengan sengaja utk mendekatkan satu sama lain. Kalau tidak ada effort akan growing apart. Panitia hanya memfasilitasi. Jadi harus ada upaya dr pasangan utk bisa intimate.

Session 02
Ps casey treat
What happy couples know

Sudah menikah 42 tahun
Vision keep the same wife and same church
Simple things
Ada ups and downs
3 grown children udah jadi influencer
Bring their spouse into the family
Keep winning and overcoming and keep loving each other
Skrg udah grand parents udah ada 3 cucu

Manage season on regular basis. U cant compare. Love every season. God is doing something special every season. Make marriage happy and last

1. Every marriage can be happy
30% of marriage in us go into affair, unfaithfulness, disaster of the worst kind. 50% end in divorce.
It can be hard but every marriage can succeed. The enemy is trying to tell us that our marriage have problems, our spouse is worst. It cant get better cant be healed. Decide what voice you want to hear. Marriage is born of God. Whatever was born from God have to live.

Maybe some people said you've never gone to our problems. If the enemy can convince you, you give up in your mind. Divorce doesn't happen in the court but in your mind, when you give up. We have this renewal!!!

2. Every marriage takes purposeful and intentional effort.
Some people marriage seems to be easy. Every marriage is challenging. 2 people living in the same roof. That is problems. Human being have unique personalities, desire, and thinking. Every marriage which have purposeful and intentional effort can be happy.

3. Every marriage must value agreement and harmony than being right or being in control.
Don't have the attitude "he is the problem" or vice versa. Proving your spouse is wrong than you are, won't work for a happy marriage. Finding agreement, harmony and unity. Admitting you're wrong is important.
Submission gak sama dengan fear. Don't win argument, win your spouse.
Agreement and unity is what we both want and that's the most important.

What do you hope has changed? Write one thing that you hope happens this weekend. When you have vision you accomplish it.

Ps wendy treat
Date with both eyes open
When you are married have one eye closed
Covenant of marriage : i am there
Marriage is always we, stop thinking i

When we have financial disaster we have to determine what we are going to do with this
Too many people are keeping with the i
We may not always be happy, healthy, have all the finances we want
If you want to have success in marriage there is no backdoor. Determine to walk the life together.

Sometime we create loneliness in the marriage. Our parents will passed away but you have to affirm your spouse that he / she is not walking alone.

The devil tricks you to think that nobody else have gone through this. The devil will grind you down. Only God can bring restoration (in our marriage). God is right here.

Give each other space. Basic personality style

Different personality type. Wendy is a salesman but casey is a meditator. Need to understand your spouse better. Many times we are missing in your life. We are not just one thing, but there are certain personalities about what you are.

Process of leaving is part of life
We didn't leave our mother and father we just tried to add them into our marriage and relationship
How you exit and enter will decide the success of your life
If you can't let go of things and move into new season you will have trouble. Don't get mad at God when you have kids. When you have kids, you will have financial struggle, bad sex life. Keep going through season, nothing will last forever.

God is always wanting to open new door into your life
You have to be ready to make those change make transitions. Business changes. What doors are opening in front of you and are you ready to enter the new doors?

Don't be resentful, what you used to have can't be yours again. Understand who you are now to have happiness and joy in your life. New friendships.

When we grow old we stop changing we stop learning. Make new friends but keep the old. Keep relationship always moving into new doors.
I have set before you an open door. Rev 3:8
Keep new things happening

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