Sunday, December 11, 2022

kotbah 11 des 2022 jangan takut ps kenny goh

Kotbah 11 des 2022
Ps kenny goh
Jangan takut

Apakah kita ikut Tuhan karena takut Tuhan atau cinta?
Ikut Tuhan karena takut cenderung jarang merasakan damai sejahtera dan sibuk evaluasi diri sendiri. Apakah saya cukup kudus? Apakah saya cukup berkenan kepada Tuhan?
Selalu merasa kurang yang ada pada dirinya. Merasa imannya kurang kuat, dll. Saat orang seperti ini mendapat hal baik maka dia merasa lebih baik daripada orang lain. Dia merasa hanya orang tertentu yang bs dapat akses dan dekat dengan Tuhan

Dia bisa jadi dua kemungkinan, sombong atau merasa minder. Sebaliknya ada orang yang ikut Tuhan karena cinta dan rasa syukur karena tau Tuhan yang memilih. Dia ikut Tuhan karena cinta Tuhan. Dia tidak punya kemampuan utk hidup benar tanpa perkenanan dan kemampuan Tuhan. Tuhan memberikan lebih dari yang diperlukan. Tidak membandingkan dirinya dengan orang lain. Dia berharga bukan karena kekuatan atau kelemahan. 

Apakah kita ikut Tuhan karena takut atau karena cinta ?

Kejadian 3:8-10
Pada mulanya manusia hidup dekat dengan Tuhan. Adam menjadi takut karena memakan buah yang dilarang. Dosa membuat manusia menjadi takut dengan Tuhan. Takut untuk dekat dengan Tuhan. Tuhan adalah Tuhan yang kudus. Kudus adalah bagian dari sifat Tuhan. Kekudusan Tuhan diibaratkan api yang menghanguskan

Ulangan 4:24
Api membawa terang, memurnikan, membakar dan menghanguskan. 

Roma 6:23
Sebab kematian adalah upah dari dosa....

Sangat lumrah / normal manusia menjadi takut akan Tuhan karena adanya dosa. Manusia menjauh dan bersembunyi. You cannot love what you fear

Kejadian 3:7
Pikiran mereka terbuka setelah makan buah itu dan mereka sadar mereka telanjang. Sejak itu manusia selalu mencari cara utk menutupi rasa malu mereka dengan cara dan metode sendiri.

Agama adalah upaya manusia utk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan.
Tuhan mau dekat dengan kita, karena kita cinta oleh Tuhan

Ada 3x pesan yang disampaikan ttg Tuhan
1. Lukas 1:13
Malaikat berkata jangan takut Zakharia. Istrimu akan melahirkan Yohanes

2. Lukas 1:30
Jangan takut maria sebab engkau berkenan di hati Allah

3. Lukas 2:10
Para gembala dihimbau untuk jangan takut sebab saya datang membawa kabar baik kepada semua orang

1 yohanes 4:18-19
Orang yang menikmati kasih Allah tidak mengenal rasa takut. Kita mengasihi sebab Allah sudah terlebih dahulu mengasihi kita. 

Roma 5:8
Allah menyatakan kasihNya kepada kita dengan mati di atas kayu salib waktu kita MASIH berdosa

Roma 8:1-3
Demikianlah sekarang tidak ada penghukuman bagi mereka yang ada di dalam Kristus Yesus. Roh, yang memberi hidup telah memerdekakan kamu dalam Kristus dari hukum dosa dan hukum maut. Sebab apa yang tidak mungkin dilakukan hukum Taurat karena tak berdaya oleh daging, telah dilakukan oleh Allah. Dengan jalan mengutus Anak-Nya sendiri dalam daging, yang serupa dengan daging yang dikuasai dosa karena dosa, Ia telah menjatuhkan hukuman atas dosa di dalam daging,
Roma 8:1‭-‬3 TB

Yang tersisa adalah ucapan syukur 
Kita diundang utk menikmati kasih itu
Jangan takut kau berkenan di hati Allah
Ada kabar baik untuk kita SEMUA

apa yang bs kita lakukan utk meresponi semua ini
1. Jangan takut utk terus berdoa minta pertolongan 
2. Jangan takut utk terus hadir dan bergabung di komunitas gereja
Gereja penuh dengan orang yang tidak sempurna
3. Jangan takut utk terus membaca dan mendalami alkitab. Biar RK memberi pengertian dan hikmat ttg Yesus

Saturday, December 3, 2022

marriage getaway 2022 10 keys to a thriving marriage

10 keys to a thriving marriage

Jer 29:11
Plans to prosper you

We want our marriage to thrive
1. Learn how to speak your spouse's love language
Is to choose the best for the other person. So love is not an emotion. It's saying I want to I want to choose the best on a certain so it does me. No good to physical touch and words of affirmation are not her love language but quality time and acts of service. Those are her love language. So I want to love and serve my wife. I have to speak her language. So I think you have to identify what? What feels they're tough. What what helps that? What gets them excited? What makes them feel like they're About life and life together. Well then I got to serve my spouse and speak the same language. So number one, identify their top two, there's five identify their top two. Then they start to walk out that love limits. Don't speak different languages. I remember years ago, I was a pastor for many years in Seattle, Washington. And there was this this, this couple that moved from Mexico. We did a lot of mission work in this arid Mexico. And she came up from this church, To our church in Seattle. And so when she came to the church, she told me some of the people that she needed to speak to our pastor. And so she came to the office one day and she said I would like to speak to the pastor. I'm coming from this church if you guys did a lot of work. And so you know, the pastor came out of the office and this girl from Mexico. She stand there and he Society, who are you? And he says, hello. How are you? I'm from Mexico. Import my pastor, my pastor wanted me to give you a massage and he said, Was almost so much. You trying to say a message but the message and it was a message of gratitude. 

2. Respond. Over react. This will do so well for you. In marriage. You have to respond over react
Adversity, challenge, change and success
So pressure, disagreement, the kids are behaving, work is not going good. You can react out of emotion or you can. We try to teach our voice deep breaths? Count to three. Let's respond. You know, the proverb I always loved the proverb that says a gentle reply turns away Wrath So, when there's things going on, are you going to react out of anger act in the emotion app, react? Or will you respond to respond means to walk in the fruit of the spirit that whole thing self-control? So if you don't have self control that just means you don't have to work harder on your marriage. You need to receive more from the Holy Spirit. So you know it's like the person is like I want to be more calming, we don't get more time by getting more time. You get more kind by being with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, softening your heart and the Holy Spirit will teach you how to read spawn over react reaction, brings a world of strife, a world of disagreement, a world of other Pages responding brings peace. Responding brings harm and Eve responding brings joy into that room. It makes me think about. We all have little Things that we do that. Our spouse doesn't care for. And one of the things that I do that is not, I wouldn't call it. Chats favorite character quality about me is that when we are driving, I tend to gasp when I feel like we and when I say we he is about to crash our car. So I will gas cloud ring which is a Reaction and you then you react to my reaction that is going to scare me. Your gasp is actually going to get us in the accident complete control until you gasps. Yeah, I think I think to my gasp, I tend to slap the dashboard at the same time, so there's a lot going on. I don't think that it's I don't think it's productive whatsoever, but the thing is, is we tend to build Hold on reactions. So my reaction has a chain effect and then it causes him to react and then I react to his reaction and then it escalates quickly and pretty soon you don't even know where you started in the first place. And I think reaction can go down a slippery slope or it can cause bigger problems than need to. I mean, in the first year of our marriage, one of the arguments that we got into Was over. Which kind of apple with Superior? I was convinced there is this beautiful Honeycrisp apple out of the state of Washington that is far superior to the just the red apple. And you know we disagree on that he has since learned that my uncle is the superior. This is not what we're talking about. But the thing was, is we started building on the discussion and pretty soon. Soon. We don't even know where we were initially reacting. I think what happens? Yeah, I love you say, because I think what happens is in marriage. One of the keys I could is don't turn mountains out of molehills like don't let Small Things become big things and the more that you can discipline yourself to respond over react and walking that fruit of the Holy Spirit, it would just allow molehills to stay molehills rather. It's somewhat gas from the car. It's Small, but leave it. So, let's deal. What we already have enough big things going on in life. Let's not let the Small Things become big things, any better that one 

3. whatever's broke. Fix it. ...
Time talking and really get on the same page, any time you feel like something's not working, then sit down have a meeting. By the way, you need to have. There's a difference between having a meeting with your spouse and having a date with your spouse. Your date is not your meeting time. That would be like in worship. We're work the worship team to assess creature. Could you imagine your worship? We're singing. I love you. You rescued me. Thank you. Got and there's a board meeting going on. Come on stage. These two should not be. So you need to have meetings about whatever's growth but when you're on the day we're not talking about the business of the home. We're not talking about finances. We're not, we're getting to know each other, we're having fun. We're eating way too much bread. Somebody say, Amen, we're having dessert for to come on. But don't let your date night be turning to a board meeting when you're going to date, let it be fun filled with laughter. You two know each other connect again but with their needs to be beatings. We have learned in our marriage that would ever something's been broke, take time and fix it. I've got to lean in and listen to her. What are you frustrated with what's not working? What's going on? And we find a solution. The thing I love about God is with God, there is a solution to every problem. How about James three, the wisdom from above? What is this? A is pure Peaceable. Gentle reasonable unwavering without hypocrisy and it Bears much fruit. The wisdom part below what it is. What is it sexual demonic? It's the, the wisdom of the world. We don't need the world's wisdom. We need God's wisdom, and I think wisdom on my marriage and they wisdom on my parenting. And so, if there is then gonna, bro, we pray. We go to God here. Us wisdom help with what did James say. If any of you lack wisdom, what should we do? Ask God, he gives it freely. And so we need the wisdom of God on how to get our lives and our homes back in order. That's so good. It makes me think about how in our home not just in our relationship than our physical home. However we have tolerated broken things or we've tried to fix things on our own strength that have Have been repaired properly. So we have this janky dishwasher at the moment and I didn't want to justify spending money to to fix the dishwasher. So I tried to fix it myself. Well, that thing just became broker and worse until we're down to like just the bottom drawer. And I'm just seeing how high I can stack dishes all the way up to the top. Well, I have example, example, That not only within our home, but also within our relationship because it's easy to say, you know what I'm tough, I'm strong, we can, we can exist with this or even worse. We don't even recognize this and I think that if I could encourage you, in one thing is that go home and communicate. What needs adjusting even if it's small schedule things I thought Not for a couple years. My husband he was preparing to preach on Sunday so he needed all day Saturday but I was getting frustrated on the Saturday, trying to get the kids to sports trying you know they weren't in schools that it was running around tearing our Houma, and it I was like, this is part of our calling, I can do this, I can do this, but all it took was one small conversation saying. Hey, could you finish your message just a little bit earlier in The week and be more present our Saturday that set me up for more success and protected me from resentment. So, just took one small communication and one small adjustment to Just Launch us into a better flow in our week. Now, I understand that there are bigger things to solve and there are bigger cracks in our foundation that we talked about. And I think that this is where I encourage you to, to get help if there are things. That are broke. This is the time. Leave and commit to say, I am going to talk about this with someone when I get out as scary as that may seem. I'm going to commit to be vulnerable to my spouse and have the honest conversation. But I'm gonna commit to be vulnerable, in the presence of God, to allow him to soften me to speak to me. And to show me the areas that I actually need to surrender to him and to surrender to Other people that God has placed in my life to be honest and transparent to have those conversations to step in the right direction of help. I love that because it reminds me of another person James because I think a lot of times we know all we got to fix that but just I feel like we sometimes can be satisfied with knowing but James says the good that a man knows he opted to do and doesn't do sins. So it doesn't mean we just know what we got to fix. We got actually apply that and go fix it.

4. Do not let anything come between you 
Efesus 4:26
We're not going to go to bed fighting, we're not going to go to bed. Angry it on different pages. No, we can't let anything come between us because that's when the enemy gets a wedge. He gets a foothold in a foothold becomes a stronghold. We don't want strongholds in our marriages that bring wedges of division. We need unity in our marriage. We need unity in our home. What does the Bible say? Where he finds Unity? There's a commanded blessing. I will bless you know my house. Anybody else? Else. God cannot listen A house divided. Can't stand a divided house won't make it. So we've got to work through our issues and not let anything. Not the children, not the finances, not a disagreement, not anything come in between us so that we can continue on in the bond of Peace. The bond of unity. Somebody say, Amen. 

5. There's comfort in the commitment. ...
Divorce is closed. 

We do not use that word in our home. That is not an option. Years ago, I was a youth pastor. And there was a tragedy at a local public high school. Thousands of students and this tragedy happened right before school. Started out, cyber school and so the principal called me and said, we need you to come to school and help counsel students this tragedy happened. So I rush over to school. And I spent about 45 hours talking with high school students for the early, pray in a public school. And at the end of the day, when I was getting ready to leave, I went to the principal's office. I just thank this guy for calling me. I would pass three called on me to help what at all. So, we're sitting in his office and maybe because of the emotion of the day. He starts opening up about his marriage talking to me about what's going on in his marriage. Well, I didn't have a good pastor face, you know, good pastor cases like this. But I was looking at him like this. So my pastor face nor off and whoa. And he looks at me and goes woo, So we're good. I'm telling you what's going on but make no mistake. The back door is closed. Divorce is not an option, so I'm telling you what's going on. But I have great comfort that we're going to work through this. Do you realize how much comfort you can bring to your spouse? Just knowing she's committed. We might have issues. Disagreements, we got to work through stuff. We're trying to build a great. We want a thriving marriage, It's surviving right now, bubbly one of driving, but the comfort is in the commitment, I always think to verbalizing the commitment just chat is such a great job at telling me how he feels about me and I don't, that was so cool. You put the wreath out cards on the chairs. And maybe there's a moment that I'm spoiling, but I just wrote down a couple quick ones. Did you do this for me? Oh, shoot, no, I didn't see this. But I can't wait to do it babe. Oh, you stop it. Did you hear that? You could frame it. I promise not to watch the next episode of Netflix without you. 

Because I know, and you say, Yeah, just give me a minute. I vow to wait for two minutes and I promise that even though I'm in perfect. To keep growing to keep getting better. And to always choose you, afraid of that and I'm home you to it. Okay? But we're giving those and putting it under 60, definitely years later. Number six, develop conflict. Resolution skills.

6. Develop conflict resolution skills

Have you heard of this? They hate mail. It's like the Christian horoscope. It's the worst. And, but you throw different personalities. Together, you can have comfort. My concern is not be opposed. Do you have this skills to resolve the conflict? So, if I music music since here, we've got great worship here, Pastor Jeffries musical. We're on the one, we're on the 405. This is ended It's just sustained note. It's got, it could include and resolve back to the one. It has to. Otherwise we're just kind of hanging out. Waiting waiting, waiting waiting, waiting to resolve, you've got to learn how to resolve your issues quicker. I said in my voice all the time when you behave well, or if you behave, good life is good. If you behave, bad life, is that. Let me flip it for your marriage. If you can resolve fast, your marriage is good. If it takes you a long time to resolve, your marriage will suffer. So you need conflict, resolution skills. Learn how to result. So, in other words, do you want the fight? To last an hour, a day, two days, a week a month. We're going to get to in a little bit, but you got to be careful. Not to Stonewall. I'm going to get get to that just a minute. I want to be sensitive. The clocks, and we go to number six. Sorry number seven, humility Winds of marriage. Pride will destroy a marriage. 

7. Humility will win a marriage and pride will destroy a marriage Pride says, I'm not saying sorry. Pride says, I'm not saying I love you. Pride says, it's all about me. ...
We need to do some more anyways, but the Peloton instructor week, we attend her classroom AIDS, just sins. And in the middle of the workout, when it's given hard, she has the same line. She goes, I'm ready to quit and I'm starting to feel uneasy, and she has a famous line. She'll say, I know it's hard. I know you want to quit. But no, he's no amigo. 

First time she said, I think she's watching me and I want to save your marriage. No ego? No amigo. Humility will win a marriage. Humility is not thinking less about yourself. Humility is thinking more about the other person. Try, what is the Bible saying? All of this scripture, Proverbs 16:18, Pride goes Before Destruction, a haughty spirit, before a fall. So long before you lose your marriage, you walk in Pride. And that haughty Spirit, I'm not going to say I'm sorry. I'm going to tell you how much I love you. Humility. Writes love notes. Humility serves your home humility. Prefers your spouse. Humility admits there. All you got to walk in humility will win a marriage but Pride will destroy a marriage. What does that say about humility about humble people? He says he gives grace to the humble. What does he say about prideful people? He resists the proud. I don't know about you but I want God to resist my marriage. I won't God the grace, my marriage. Do you want God's grace? You got to walk in humility prize like that. Ego thing walking around I'm going to be prideful. I'm going to be the man. I'm going to be stubborn, I'm going to be no one can tell me what to do. You know what, you know what it is? You got to go low. You Gotta Serve, you're going to die to self, you got to walk in humility. Amen, to that one number. A just a few more number 

Beware of the Four, Horsemen the marriage killers, ...
Contempt - statement come from a position of superiority
Defensiveness - self protection by righteous indignation or innocent victim hood to ward off a perceived attack or criticism
Stonewalling - occurs when the listener withdraws from the interaction

Stonewall you're on your own. I'm out. I'm going to go take my ball and go home and my back is turned to her because I'm hurt and offended and I'm going to Stonewall. Have you think that works out for us? So, you got to watch out for the four, horsemen, the marriage Killers, because maybe you're not a stone Waller. Well, maybe are you critical? Do you shall content? Are you defensive? You got to find these because these things will not just kill your life and your friendships. They'll kill your marriage. 

9. You need more sex
We need to have more sex. The reality is that you are going home to life, and children and schedule, and all the things, and there is an ability to not make time for one another. Now, within the need to connect, there is a need to be intimate, which is Current, there's a need to communicate which is different, but there's a need to have this thing that God created and designed for us, and we have to carve out time for that. Absolutely, I was thinking the first Corinthians 7:5 and six, do not deprive each other except perhaps by Mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Okay? Then Come together again. So that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I say this as a concession out of the committee. Pause using wisdom. No one wants to be into Mary's a Loveless marriage or a sexless marriage. No one wants to be in a marriage where you're not loved and there's no intimacy. But sex brings intimacy and reconnects us back together. It's God's idea, it's a beautiful gift from God. And I know we're making fun of, you know, our wedding night. And, you know, I was 28, she's 25, but I'm really grateful that this gift that God's given us. Don't awaken love until the doctors do. I'm glad that we waited and I'm glad that we can enjoy the The gift that God has given us and it's a weapon. I think sex is a weapon that fends off the enemy. He wants to bring temptation. He wants to attack your home. Other people asking about college, there's an old passed on staff at the church. I first worked at and he took me out for pie and say, you know, he's an old guy. Whatever coffee going for pie in this old wise Sage preacher. I was like 19. Never forget gun, man. Every day, you'll battle two things. Pride and sexual temptation. Pride and sexual Temptation and I thought to myself the rest of my life to go to a classic, just check the box and good. Sexual Temptation, can you turn into your marriage unless you have fulfilled it? So we get to serve one another. Our Jack paper prints on sex years ago, Pastor Jack Hayford. If you're all mine in the body of Christ and said, the kingdom of God is all about giving, even in the Venture, it is about serving and giving. And so you need, when we say it's not like joking you need more sex. We need to have Intimacy in our marriage, both And communication but also insects and so you know, go back home and read some of the Salomon. I've got all of this is in Balance, praise the Lord, hallelujah, glory to God, I sing it, I raised a Hallelujah, maybe the presence of my enemies, but I think this is one of the keys, so I think keeping our marriage thriving and are survive

We need honesty and vulnerability to bring healing and growth. The healing that you desire in your marriage. Cannot come. If you have secrets, Pastor, Chris Hodges says you are only as sick as your secrets. 

Your Authority is in your authenticity. So if you want healing and growth in your marriage, 

You know. Get vulnerable. 

This is my best friend. And this is the person that knows the good and the Bad and the Ugly, this is the person that I'm the most honest with. I share all my successes and all my failures. And we don't keep secrets and what does that build trust respect. And communication now, believing that as you leave this getaway, you'll strengthen your bond strength in your commitment. The healing that you desire. It's probably always think you're one conversation away from freedom. 

One and do you need to have a conversation with one of the pastor's? Maybe you probably need to have a conversation with your spouse. Great honesty and vulnerability and the other side, what great question, fire the Tom Cruise of Christianity. What would happen if you gave 100%? The bigger question. What's going to happen if you don't? 

Live. No lies. Walk in Freedom. Let Christ be the centerpiece. 

What's the vision of our marriage? Ephesians, 5 way Christ serves the church. The way that he beautifies it serves the church. We want to beautify and serve one. Another If you're going with Nate is too hard. I don't know if I could do this. This is difficult. You're welcome, you can in your own strength. My Bible says I can do all things through Christ. Who strengthens me by my God, I can leap over a wall. He bids. He makes my hands to bend a bowl groans. He trains my feet like Hinds feet to scale a mountain, I can do everything with God and so through thought we can build a thriving marriage. In end of that one, we say to our feet and let's pray. ...

Friday, December 2, 2022

marriage getaway sesi 03 sustaining healthy marriage

Keeping that thing, fun spicy in intimate and going and again, we're not in the business of surviving. We want our marriage to thrive look at Ephesians father. Love this scripture for husbands. This means love your wives just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean Washed by the cleansing of God's word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious Church Without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead she will be holy and without Out fall in the same way husband's ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies for a man. Who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it just as Christ cares for the church and we members of his body as the scriptures. Say, a man leaves his father and mother and his join. His wife. And the two are united as one. This is a great mystery but it isn't An illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. So again, I say each man, love his wife as he loves himself and the wife, much must respect her husband and just love that. The Bible is giving us definition how to keep this thing going and how they keep sustaining. Here's the first thing, he Right down the row. One serve one another 

You know, I think that serving looks different in a lot of different relationships around. Looks different in a lot of different cultures and homes. But serving one, another is an action and it takes courage to show action in relationship because what I have learned in 14 years and I don't have all the answer is that, there are a lot of times That I do not want to serve him because I've been serving kids and the home and the needs. And so sometimes it's very easy for me to give my spouse. My leftovers, and I have nothing left to give. And if I'm being honest, there has been an expression of I've used in our relationship where he is trying to connect with me, he's trying to have a chat. Chat with me at night and I am I I have nothing left to serve or to give the I think in the way that Christ has given everything an example of great generosity for us, it came from a place of love and it was his real. It was God's response to Father's. It's to send his love to give to us. And so I think sometimes in order for me to serve him, I have to first spend time with Jesus because then I get a revelation of love and then I'm able to be a dispenser of love to others. So in order for me to give give I have to get and I have to be able you know, we're on the plane and it says, you know, you have to first give The oxygen mouth mask to yourself, before you give it to your children, you have to be able to breathe. And to know that Christ is fueling you before. You're fueling your partner. So, in order to serve, I have to learn what it is to sit in his presence, but we have to serve one another. Yeah. It reminds me of a saying all marriage unhappiness. Is rooted in selfishness. And all there is happiness, is rooted in selflessness. So if you want your marriage to be great, rooted in serving, is it saying we say in church, if you're too big to serve, you're too small to lead and that's not just true for church. That's true for marriage. And so the moment you stop serving one another, the moment you start wanting to be served, it's like that. 

Illustration seem like a movie with some. Is feeding them grapes and someone's Fanny them and someone you know, loving them taking care of them in marriage. We're not looking to receive that, we're looking to do that. What would your marriage look like if you made a competition, who can out serve the other Because we service serving, when the, are you black? Jesus goes. Hey, I just want to make sure you guys call me the bastards, right? I'm the master they go. Yeah, you're the best, okay? If I'm the master and I washed feet, you should go to the safe, Jesus. The son of man said, I do not come to be served. I came to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many. So, Jesus is the model of sir. Serving one another. And the problem for most marriages is with selfishness is embedded or selfishness starts to be played out. Kiss It, Goodbye. All of a sudden, we got the conflict. We're at odds. We're we got animosity. We got, we got, you know, bitterness what? Because we got selfishness by the way. We've got a lot of children. I always thought Juliet, we have two too many. That's terrible. We better bring it to. We had two too many. But all four of my kids, not no one ever taught, my kids how to be selfish. They were born selfish. There are more to your old habits as yours. Yeah. They say, my, my, my point, my scream, my iPad, my mother. They think that she is this, she is my keep my kids out of my room all the time chat. No one, listen, you are born selfish, you are born again, generous, the spirit of God, the spirit of Jesus causes you to serve What we love the fruits of the spirit love joy, peace patience. Kindness goodness self-control all suffer. We love the, where's the fruit? Come from the root which is a relationship with the Holy Spirit and other words, you cannot walk with Jesus and be selfish in your marriage. Because Jesus will correct you. It's like reading the Bible. What I read the Bible, if I reading it or is it reading me? That's why I love. Second Timothy, 3:16. All scripture is god-breathed all scripture is god-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking correcting and training in righteousness. So that the man, one woman of God, may be fully equipped to do every good work. In other words for the bye. I was telling us when we read the Bible, it tells me what to do, what not to do and what to do when I haven't been doing, what I'm supposed to be doing. In other words, the Bible until you stop being selfish start being serving, Amen to that. So we cannot sustain and be selfish, we've got to serve one another right now. Number two, you gotta forgive one another Easier said than done. And I used to think that I was a quick forgiver. I always said, I'd get over things real fast, but I learned that real forgiveness takes a lot more work, and there were things that I didn't realize that I harbored in my heart, when Chad says, you know, we're supposed to love a supposed to keep no record of wrong, right? I had a long record. I have a written record. I, you know, I just, I knew he was so good with his words that he was such a good debater. And, you know, fire, I get kind of emotional because I would feel defeated. So he would just, you know, just get on like this little like momentum Trail. He go the hood and I would just begin to Tear up, because This is what I desire peace out of my eye. So I would cry and I would feel defeated and then I would just get loud so I would cry and get loud and it served no purpose but this is this is my tactic this was all I had this is all I have against you know with all the man of words here and so I finally was like okay I gotta get some skills, I got trained myself up to and so our first argument where I I got really bold and I started to communicate back to him like properly, debating, He Slipped to me and he smiled, I mean, this is just cruel and he starts clapping. I can work with unlike that, you know, you. But when we're born, I don't know if you have heard this before, we are born with two natural fear. Ears. Has anyone ever heard this before? We are born with the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, and I really believe that God plays this within us at desire to be held and a desire for peace. And a lot of times that that's violated through relationship. No, maybe you're here and that was violated in a scenario where You were young and that happens to you and I am so very sorry and I am convinced that God wants to remind you that he is an example of a perfect father and the perfect person to trust and to love. But the thing is is sometimes and I grew up in a home where there was a lot of loud, there was a lot of noise and sometimes I wanted I wanted to just create peace so I would say A sure, I'm sorry, I forgive you because I just wanted this desire for peace, but what I didn't realize was that there was a need for real forgiveness to take place. Now, we have boys that love if you have driven here, have three or more boys in here, multiple boys. Now, these boys, they can get busy and now, they do not want to forgive one another. So we say, You know, tell him that you're sorry, I'm sorry. You know, I like that does not sound like you're sorry but we have to teach them what important is to actually forgive one another and to what it is to get a proper apology. Listen, I don't know if there's anyone in here who had an improper apology but you can feel it you know it in your bones when they when they eat they're saying I'm sorry but they're not really sorry and the kid they don't want to. I'm sorry, but we have to teach them and our kids model what we do. And so, we real forgiveness is evident to our children. They know what it is. They call our kids called squabbling, Mom, are you and Dad squabbling? I was like, what? What do you what do you mean squabbling? They're like, are you guys arguing? Because they can feel that there's not real forgiveness in. In the home. So good. I think you know, we have to remember that for forgiveness is a gift. And it is first a gift to you, it s to the other, you're giving yourself a gift you know what do they say about unforgiveness? Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other one to die and how foolish is that? So when you don't walk in forgiveness, you're affecting you more than anybody else and it's affecting your whole life. That's why Hebrews says the writer of Hebrews says do not. Let bitterness take root. Otherwise it will spring up and cause all kinds of trouble. That's why in most marriages are my debts. In this years ago we lose more marriages to offense than the you Affairs. There's more marriages that are lost. Over a fence. Over to cheating is you got to work? Like I don't need to be concerned about cheating. I think that CERN about you harboring unforgiveness, you got to let that thing go Ruth Grail, the great event of angels Billy Graham, his wife are said a great marriage. It's made up of two, great rivers. And for givers 

You know, it may be Who hardship, life years, kids finances, all that. Whenever you've dumped her, you lost your legs. You got to get your corrective lenses, back to see the good in the other person. Remember, your spouse needs to hear more of who they are. Not who they're not. They have to hear who they are. I love, I love your faith. I Love Your Excellence. I love the way you serve. I love the parent that you are. Oh, I love the way you cook. I love how hard you work. I love it. When you work out, they get to keep. You need to encourage glass with your word, power of life and death, and so see them in the like I love this first Petros, first Peter 3, I've of this up, summing it up. So, meet up be agreeable, sympathetic, loving compassionate, humble that goes for all of you, no exceptions, no retaliation. Ian, no. Sharp tongue sarcasm, instead bless. That's your job to bless. You'll be a blessing. And also get a blessing. Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day, fill up with good. Here's what you do, say, nothing, evil, nothing. Hurtful snuff, evil cultivate, good run. After peace for all your work, God looks on this with approval listening and responding well to what he says. Ask. But he turned his back on those who do evil things. And that's just good reading right there in the, you got it, you got it. What is God wants? Does God see your unrighteousness? 

He has hidden you in Christ, when God looks at you, he cannot even see your sin. He sees Jesus. He made him who knew no sin to become sin. For us that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. So God looks at me with love and smile because he sees Jesus. How do you look at your spouse? You see his dishes and you store all night? No you have to look and see the good. Yeah, it's I apologize. 

Number 5, laughs with one another. Let's all laugh together on the count of three, one, two, three. We have all seen the studies that laughing is the is good. For our physical body or mental, our mental stay our brain health. And last name is a choice is a choice. We had a unique prophetic word, be spoken over us, this last summer and just like the rest of the world. It's been a unique time for churches and for pastors and for leaders. These leaders of Business Leaders in the church within the last couple of years. And we've carried things heavier. We have thought about things and we haven't been able to live life as free and as full as we did before the pandemic. Now we had this word where this amazing worship leader. She kept saying over chassis that I'm getting this worse, Her soda and we're like the Sarasota Sarasota Florida. Please don't call us to Sarasota. Whatever you love the city of Los Angeles. Is she said I looked up and I thought this was unique in Sarasota means it's a time for dancing. And I thought that that was so unique because Chad is a average dancer. 

And but I bought it with also very specific because God had actually been speaking to me, privately about how we needed to dance in our home more. And this seems like something so silly and so specific. But we have this area and our kitchen. And so I told him I said, I actually think before we got this word, that there needs to be More dancing in front of the children. We need to dance with the children and I love that we started last night with dancer dancing because you can't help but smile even though it's not he active dancing, it's the action that leads to Joy or leads to laughter. It seems like we need to cultivate moments of simple silliness that create happiness and love. Levity and joy and laughter, within our homes and what our kids see, they see an action of choosing Joy. They don't see us talking about work, they don't see us talking about finances. They don't see us just doing the dishes and picking up. They see some abrasion and they see life and what does life and celebration give us. This is one Journey, it gives us energy within our spirit, it gives us ability to have just like the Proverbs 31 Woman, she smiles at the future because she knows that it's bright and beautiful laughter gives us Hope For Tomorrow a gives us the ability to see what. We cannot always see that there's good and there's Beauty on the others. Side. We do. We do this thing. So she's talking about our kitchen, you know? And so we let the boat. The boys are old enough to where, you know, they like certain songs, you know, like from Disney movies or whatnot, and so will that each of them, choose their songs will get, you know, Vol gets a song, I heard a song with boys, get salt and we'll play five songs and we'll just dance, the five songs in our kitchen, and it's become a source of connection has become a source of laughter. And I just love, I always held over two scriptures that God will turn our mourning into dancing. And I've always loved that. Those that sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. And of course, we all love the joy of the Lord is our strength, but I just love that idea of dancing. A celebration of festivity, we serve such a festive, God. He's so particular about parking. He's so in done it. And I wonder, you know, for a lot of berries is when you see disgruntled upset, angry married couples, I always think people go right away was the last time, you know, I would, I would go, was last time they laugh together. You know what? You need to go, see a comedian 

We're not doing good if she's slow to laugh at my jokes, how do you build your spouse's bad enough? But when I preach on Sunday you know who's laughing the hardest? You know, who I can, I can hear and see in my purse, my wife is, that's not the church. It could you imagine if on Sunday opportunist she's there like 

I mean we're telling the truth that doesn't happen. 

No, I think that what you're saying is so true is that we serve a God who is in celebration and I think that's what we're doing this weekend is that we are choosing to invest into our relationships but we're choosing to celebrate one. Another, how much fun is getting together and to laugh with one another to Divine. Another to enjoy each other's company. And I just love that are a, is not just to run quickly, but to run with endurance to finish, well, yes, to finish strong and to enjoy each other. And I want to say something, 

To grow better with age and a fine. Wine that hair. 

That's a college with her dad. He said, you know, he was messed up. We cont when he first found salvation, he walked out of the Jesus movement meeting. He walked out. He said, he felt he could flip over a car for Jesus. Here's the same arms of me. He does not, he cannot flip over upon. He felt like he was so excited. That is salvation. That is marriage. Cannot lose the joy of being married. So, this weekend is about, I say, thank you, God, for the greatest gift, you've given me outside of Salvation, and that is my spouse. Amen, to that for the gifts that you have given us. We are grateful for these relationships that are represented every marriage, every home, every family that is represented. Here today, that we just thank you that you are blessing and refreshing that we just thank you right now that you are speaking to couples and individuals about how they are going to commit to pursue one another that we thank you for this time that we have together and with you, in Jesus name. Amen. 

marriage getaway session 02 building healthy marriage

Chad veach and julia veach
Building a beautiful marriage
Session 2
And that evening he decided in this heart and I would have gone on a journey to decide when we just talked about the journey real fast. I have to really pursue her. So the first time I gave Julia a hug, she patted me on the back the first time I told her I love you. She said, thank you. The first time you I actually started to say, I love you. I can see the words coming out of your mouth and I went like this. So then he went from. I loo, I don't know if you remember this, but you said I only wear you, like, I'm just kind of you rolled the word in something else. Yes, it was more work to be done. So eventually I became ready. Eventually she warmed up to the idea and we got engaged and we were married. On September 21st. Now this is significant because there's a song by Earth Wind and Fire that reads. It's in our living room. I can't Yes, it's gonna be beautiful Journey. 14 years, we just celebrated September 21st February, 14 years and if we're being transparent to firstborns, that are very strong filled with Different Ambitions coming together, and laying down their lives to serve one another. It's been an adventure filled with disappointment and delay. We had a diagnosis within our home of our firstborn child. That was a real test and our marriage. We've had three additional boys. That Source. Local folder with that. Let me just explain you. This is the youngest to oldest. That's our four-year-old Clive, he's praising God. That's Maverick saying what's up? That's wisdom of. Yeah, and that is our Miracle daughter. Georgia who she turns 11 Borrow it. So that's all for kids right there. Well technically it's her birthday today here, so here. Yes, yes, December 2nd. That's where we're at and for beautiful Miracle children and 14 years of a lots of things learned and a lot of just recognizing God's goodness. Yes, and his faithfulness and I just want to let you guys know that we are a product of just surrendering to Jesus every day. Every week saying God, we don't have all the answers, but we choose to put you at the center of our relationship and in the Centre of our homes. And we just have a lot to be grateful for. Yeah, you go just as your cigarette, makes me think both of us are pastors, kids are Our dads, eventually went from youth pastors to senior pastors their life's really mirror one another. And when I was growing up, I get did a lot of weddings, and he would always take us kids to the weddings because of the free lunch, and we're going to a wedding. Again, this is how you're eating today. Has he always had this? I would always tell him, I don't think that's a good one. I don't think we should do that one, but he would always do it and he would look at the God every wedding. He would look at this guy and he would say today, I would like to welcome you to your funeral in the church. Did that today? You die today for your marriage to do well, Well, you have to die to yourself. And isn't that the message of our faith and to follow Jesus? You must pick up your cross daily and deny yourself, and follow God. So that's for your faith. But that's also for your family. That's also for your marriage, is that you must die. And so, I think what Joy is saying is you, I've had to learn how to die again. I was 28 shoot. At 25, I was already been in the ministry for almost a decade and you get habits of being single. And so she had to decipher me in the fact. So I had to learn how to say. I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I love you can all the men, say, Amen. To that woman, that was a word for somebody like that. I'm sorry I'm wrong. I love you have to turn that into a song. 

To talk about in this first session, you write down the title building a beautiful marriage. That's really our goal. That's why your pastors have invited you to this amazing Retreat. That's the goal of becoming like Jesus. So what is the standard of mirrors? The standard of marriage is not me and Julia or anyone in this room. The standard for marriage is Jesus and the way he serves his bride and the way that he loves his bra and that is what he does. This to create a beautiful Ride a radiant bride, and that's what we want. That's what we're laughing, and having jokes and admitting faults. And we're going to be honest with you, we want to share what we've learned in 14 years. But let's just all make the decision together. We want to build a beautiful marriage. We don't want to marry just like suffering, kinda like how God he didn't create us to survive, he created us to thrive. This is John 10:10, the three things scripture for our church, Zoe Church the the Greek word for Abundant Life is Zoe and what is Jesus saying? John 10:10 the evil one comes to steal kill and destroy but I have come that you might have life and have it love. More abundantly Abundant Life. So for our marriages, that is why our marriage to live along. We're barely making it. We can't stand each other. We're fighting were bickering. We've got, we've got all kinds of issues. We want to build a beautiful marriage just as Christ wants to build a beautiful marriage partnership with the bride of Christ. So let's talk about building. Let's read in Matthew 7. We were thinking about this verse here, reaching the end. Ephesians 5 and change. Does Matthew said we like this a little bit more, therefore, whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them. I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock, and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and is not falling for it. Was founded on the Rock. I was here a little Sean Connery, I'm wrong. 

All the rock. It will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the rain. Descended the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell and great was its fall. When I think about how great was his fault, makes me think of divorce. And great is the aftermath great is the effect. Great is the Fallout brain is the damage. So we want to build Roger that saying relationships require work and when you stop working, they stop working. You got to build. You got to make the decision that I'm going to build a beautiful marriage. Anybody needs say that you come to this Retreat and that's your prayer. You want your marriage to be more beautiful and look more like Jesus. Amen. So where you give you a few things to write down to encourage you. Here's the first point point number one today, build It on Jesus. By the way, can we clap for the worship? Team? That did such a great job, the whole team. Song. Jesus at the center. Nothing else matters. So we're building our lives and we're building our marriages on the person. Jesus, he is the foundation Psalm 118. What does it say the stone that the builders rejected for us has become the Chief Cornerstone. So our whole lives are built on Jesus, and we talked about building on Jesus, his mission, his vision, his values, his standards, we want to be like Jesus. I don't think your marriage has a shot without Jesus, but Jesus is the center piece because the storms are going to come, the issues are going to happen. The disappointments of life. We have a friend who, you know, is in his 50s and just went through a terrible tragedy and he is just like, in need of Jesus and he said, open at this point. Nothing bad has happened to him, his whole life. Nothing bad 50-some years old, but this bad thing that happened. Brought him to Jesus brought him to church because when the storm comes, what is it? Bill on, when the issues happen, what is it? Bill option. So, we want to make the decision before the storm comes. It would be a terrible thing to try to build your marriage in a storm. We build listen, when we got our diagnosis for our daughter, Georgia, we weren't trying to figure out what we believed about. God, we were trying to figure out About what the Bible said. We were trying to put some Foundation together. We had laid a foundation. We trust God, we will obey God, we will have faith in God. We love God. No matter the season, no matter the storm weather we had. That's why we stay in front of each other. And you make the vows in sickness and in health in rich and poor anybody, you've had some poor days. Let me see them hands and you know what I mean. To be content with a lot. But you will have to be content with the little we made these vows to each other. So, no matter what we say, no matter what we go through, were building our marriage, on the person, and the faith of Jesus. If your marriage is built on Jesus, you can face bankruptcy, you can face sickness, you can face keep leaving the faith. You can go through anything. It's all built on Jesus if it's not going on. Jesus. When that storm comes? I think it'll be too late and you live in a world of regret. And I wish we were in church and I wasn't going to serve God. And I wish we would have tied and I wish we would have prayed. I wish. No, listen church, services are awesome. And there's a beautiful presence here, but what matters is not Not what happens in the retreat. What matters is what happens in the home and building our lives, in our marriages, on the person of Jesus. It's also the go, you know what, a beautiful presence in song. But practically what does that look like? That looks like us. What did he say? Whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them. So in our homes, in our marriages, we've got to be like Jesus forgive like Jesus, loved Of like Jesus serve like Jesus. Talk like Jesus compassion, like Jesus act like Jesus. We're not blessed. If we hear the word, we are blessed. If we do the word, any man, that hears, the word doesn't do that. He says the marriage. So we put into practice God's word and it I just loved so much with the pastor's were talking about last night about How the commitment of this church of jpcc to invest into Godly, marriages that are strong. And we want the church to be radiant. Jesus wants his church, the bride groom to be beautiful and he loves his bride. But the but the reflection of the church comes from the quality of the marriage. 

Look like and what the family's look like. And if we want our unsaved co-workers and our broken family members that don't know, the love of Christ to be able to experience. We don't always need to get them into the house. We need to show them. What does he say? They need to know who he is by our love and it needs to start with our love with one another. Other and we know so many people that have relationship failures, but we want to look like the quality of our relationship is so rich and so beautiful that people are like men who do you know that has allowed you to look like that. And I just, I am just so impressed with the commitment that you picked got here. You guys made it. I hear that you are investing into your time with one another and I think that number two, we need to keep the pillars in our relationship strong. So yes, we build on Jesus. That how many? No one's ever renovated a house. The foundation is expensive and we have renovated our house down to the studs. We've torn everything apart. We did new flooring, new drywall, new cabinets, new They the weirdness without Foundation. We even got a soil report to know how good the quality of the ground was cc'ed. Is cheapest soil, is expensive. Foundation is expensive. We need to start with getting the main things, the main things protecting it investing into it, making sure that strong Wrong. What are the pillars of your relationship? Maybe you're here and you're like, I need to work on how we communicate to one another. I need to work on being kinder to one another. I think that we need to, we're all a product of our values. I think that we need to pause this weekend and look at one another and say, what are our pillars? What are our main things? How can we get our foundation strong once again? And let me encourage you. Maybe there's flat there's there's fractures, maybe there's cracks within your foundation goodness today that God that we serve he is a specialist in broken things and he's more and more beautiful than it was before. So maybe you're here and you like you you don't know how big the fracture or the crap in our foundation is good news today we serve a God. Who is a great physician who's a surgeon that he meant the most broken of hearts. And I am believing and my prayer is that where there is present that there is a God that can just breathe Breathe and meant the biggest crap within our foundations, but let's invest into the pillar. Let's allow those things to be strong and within those. Those pillars that in our relationship that we've chosen, those three things are trust, respect and communication. Those are the pillars. Those who have Foundation that we've laid that we've chosen to make sure that we protect and we invest. And we keep strong at the bases, because I think that, you know, the problem is, is that, what is the old saying about, trust trust takes years to build and seconds to lose it. So you always want to be making decisions that build trust with your spouse. So something very practical that we do is in the, I don't know if this is for a divisions, like it is Americans, but I could tell our guys. Hey, guys, your wife has All The Pastels that everything in your world. Every count your phone email, there's nothing customer, you know, a lot of times in night, our llovera Julius, you know just catching up on do I text today and it's not bad. It's just going back, you know? I'm just saying who you know what's going on baby? Make a dinner plates because I know you'll forget to tell me probably but the reality is that you can't build trust and have secrets of the same time and so we Have No Secrets. A great way to build your marriage. All this is a saying and you can build practically all the lights are on all the doors are open. So, we built on trust. So of course we trust God but in your spouse, do you trust your spouse and then respect, you know, it's so funny because Julie will often rebuttal to this because they say we read Merritt Rooks adult women. Want love man. Walk respect and Julia. Will always say I won't respect you though. I don't know, a girl that's like yes, disrespect me. How about we just love each other and respect each other. This is pretty simple. It's so can we tell the story of fast about when I chose my heavenly over you? When we first got married? Just real fast on that. I'm going to real think when just real fast. Real fast. Yeah, you're not exposing yourself. You're exposing me ownership over my problem. Over my wife, the two shall become one. And I'm over, you're siding with my mom and I learned that day the mistakes you can make in marriage. I wasn't respecting your mom verbally. You actually stood in front of her to come on child. 

Respect and your stairs moves, you can make that breed or build respect, there's nothing worse. Want to Cripple your marriage, disrespect each other, you want to you want to cause one of the you or the other person and I want to come home, you know the life of disrespect but respect really Breeze. A well it's an honor spirit. We talked about in the next session. But owner is everything in America. So, trust respect. And the last Miller is communication. And listen. You cannot have a great marriage and be a bad communicator. Say it again, for the people in the back, you cannot have a great marriage and be a bad communicator. And by the way, communication is not just text. Have you ever read a text in Black who are an angry elf, you know, they're hungry. I think it would be great for you. All in your barracks, all your texts, read read them like they're smiling when they wrote it. She was smiling as she said, pick up the milk but communicate effectively not just what your words. We teach our boys that say all the time it's not what you're saying that matters, it's how you're saying it and so I can make Julia be so excited about life and what we're doing or I could absolutely get her discouraged. So we build it on the colors. It's crust, respect communication. I don't want to say that, you know what, we're all here to get some hacks and maybe this is a half that doesn't apply to you, but I will say one of the hats of helped us and that's like if it has not translating, it's cheap in the area of communication. If there's a lot of things that I want to communicate to him and there's a lot of things as busy season, we work. Together, we have children together. We run the other businesses together and we have a lot to go through in one day and now, listen, if we're tired, if we're emotional, if we're hungry, if we're angry, if we're hungry for all the things, it's not always the time to communicate that I actually need to move the ball forward. So, we have four years. We've been emailing and now sometimes, because Jesus is not awake yet, and we're sipping on our coffee. The early in the morning, sometimes, we will sit in our kitchen. First thing in the morning across from each other in the kitchen and we will email each other back and forth. Sometimes there's been different ways. Is that we've communicated. So sometimes it's been through emails. Sometimes it if he's traveling the commitment to communicate to stay close and to stay connected because change the three always been a commitment to take inventory and to assess our communication, and so maybe in Sun Season, we need creative communication, like emailing. Sometimes we need to sit in front of each other and to express. We feel we did the session one time with a therapist and I had to communicate to my husband, how God would communicate to him so awesome. I had to look at him and I had to say through the lens of your heavenly father. This is, this is how I seek you. And this is how I love you now dead. The sweet, a therapist have him do this back to me. No, Chad was his favorite. I agree. That was the last time you saw him, but I explained to him how the love of the father had a, he is sink and he didn't have to. And then in the closing session, I'm really, I don't you talk in circles here. This is what this rabbit, remember. But at the end, I had to pray over my husband and he did not have to pray over me. 

So we're building it on, trust respect communication. We're building a Jesus and we're building a beautiful marriage. Here's the third thing, right down Point number three is know what you're building identify. What are you? What is your vision? What if you know it's the whole thing about success we want to successful marriage. What is it successful? You cannot Success without Vision. The Bible says, my people perish because of lack of knowledge or another. Another verse that comes to mind is where there is no prophetic Vision. People cast off restraint, you need vision and vision comes from God and if you can see it you can achieve it. If you can see it you can you can you can go for it but you've got to first see it. That's why the Bible says write down the vision. Make it plain. So the one that That's running with the vision, can read the vision. So we've got to get on the same page and we've got to ask each other. What kind of house do we want to have? What are the values? It's in America, you see this a lot, you go to somebody's house and they have a beautiful piece of art and it almost always starts with this saying in this house we do. And then they'll say, we do long walks on the beach dance parties at night. Forgiveness, Second Chances. Has you know big meals in this house. We do you need to have what do you do in your house? What is your vision? What are you building in this last year? Both both her father and my father last year they told they both told me how much they want to have in reserves when they had when they pass away. And they told me that person's problems a righteous man leaves an inheritance. 

An unrighteous man leaves a mess pills. No, will where did the assets go? Who gets what questions? Or I read it yesterday in my devotional. Some sins of people there. Obvious others, follow them. So do you want to pass away and the kids find out you have another family? 

You better things in order, you can't get things in order to have an organization. So, both of them told me, this is how much they want to have in reserves, so we can leave an inheritance. They did both of our parents are both of our dads are about 66 67. They didn't at 60 years of age go. This is what we're going to do know, they started as young men. Having the vision to say, this is what we want our children to walk in. This is what we want our marriage to. To look like so you've gotta identify what do we want to build and by the way what you're trying to build doesn't always mean that's what we're trying to do. There's an old saying about marriages never compare your marriage to another. Comparison is the thief of joy and so why would I prepare our marriage to her Heritage? We We Didn't Start where you started. We don't have the same personality types. We don't come from the same families who don't even speak the same language. So I'm not going to compare how healthy or unhealthy yours is compared to mind what I'm trying to build is what God put in our heart. But I tried to build is the vision that we say. Down. And we said, you know what, let's build this kind of house. Let's build. These kind of children. Let's build this kind of vacation. Let's go after, and then we stay focused on what God has for us. I also think that in order to know what your building, you have to know, not only Who You're Building wet, but you have to know your role in the partnership of the Being project now, I referenced the renovation. Now, we know our roles. We are not the people that are the contractors laying down on the floor. Like, we understand that we have designed and put we understand our specific and unique role. When we were building the house. I go, I don't buy roll. You go on the adventures. I paid for them. 

There has to be a strong sense of identity. You know, there is such an attack from the enemy to come it against your identity to come against your confidence to come against your mind. And when we are waiting word in our thoughts of, not knowing our value, not knowing our purpose as an individual, that affects the plan. We're building together because now we're two broken people trying to produce a broken product and instead of committing to being a whole person. I can't know where I'm going and less. I know who I am. And then order to know who I am. I have to have an anchor in the foundation in the Rock and which I stand on. So, outside of my relationship, I have to have a A Unapologetic devotion and individual relationship with Jesus Christ. Because when my daughter was sick, when she had a diagnosis, when, when it was hard in our home, I couldn't be held by my husband's arms, I had to be wrapped in the arms of Jesus because he wasn't there every day when I was home with a daughter who was really sick. Check who is having seizures 50 times a day. I had to lay on the floor and say Jesus. You're the one that holds me a and you're the one that makes me whole. And when I come to my husband, we can say, hey, in our private time, we committed to become whole individuals, so we can together build something whole, and we can build something for our children. We have to know that when we walk in that purpose and when our marriage has a mission and has a focus, we do who were going in with and that gives us all the confidence in the world. Yeah. I think what you're saying is great and it reminds me, you know, that you're married. Your spouse is either your greatest burden or your greatest blessing. And so, the reason Why we love each other and serve each other is because you play a part and then being a burden or a blessing. The two shall become one. So when they suffer you something when they do, well, you do well in the stronger, your personal identity is that easier is to come together as one and there's nothing worse than competition within a marriage. Competition within a marriage. By the way, your spouse cannot complete you. But they can't compliment you. It's so if you have a strong identity, it gets easier to build the vision that you have vision is pretty easy, to be honest, God has a vision. So the vision is not the hard part from being honest, you're here, you're going to Vision. So to what do you say in these last days of Court? My spirit? Well, what happened Sons? Daughters prophesied, old men dream dreams, this is on the hard part, the Third part is building it together from a place of help from a place of wrecks. The I love that one. So we're building that we know what we're doing right down the reform protect your house. I always love that verse cats cross the little foxes that spoil the what the whole Vineyard, it's not big things that are going to take out your bandage is little things that are going to take that your marriage, it's little comments. It's a little compromise. Is a little white lie. It's a little rolling of the eyes. That didn't know Bears have come on your door, knock on the door, car will take out your marriage, but some leaky faucet, some slithering snakes. Some Judas behavior is going to take out your hair. So we must at all cost, protect our marriage. We protect our marriage bed, we protect our bedroom, we protect our home, we protect one. Another years ago I went through, To a class called authentic manhood. And this guy was teachings from Arkansas, which is the south in America, and he said all the men you are designed by God to do these things. You are the provider, you are the protector. You are the priest in the fourth, when I won't say, because I thought it was disgusting. But the first three, I resonate with your of the use your imagination, your the free. All men you are the spiritual leader of your house. You are a spiritual priest of your home, so you can pursue the provider and you're the protector. So our homes, feel great, when we lead and protect our spouse, and we don't just, I'm not, you know, some macho guy walking around protecting my house. Who wants to mess with my family? I'm the, it's not that it's protecting our hearts. Protecting our purity. Protecting our eyes or my boys are boys. You know, our boys are nine, seven, four and half of my life is telling them. We're not gonna watch that. We're not watching that. Look, you can't watch that. Nope, we don't answer that. And why do I say that to my voice? Because my job is their dad is to protect their eyes and to project their use in your marriage, attacked Your Love, protect your house, protect protect one, another protect from offenses. This is a very big at church 2. By the way in church, his church is an opportunity for a fence. There's a scripture products where the where there are no oxygen? The chalk is clean translation. If you got more people, you got Mo Problems. So when the church that jpcc is going to be all kinds of opportunity for offense. So when I get offended with some Joker at church, do you think I come home with my spouse and say, you know, Ted was saying this and Ted was saying that and Ted Blah, blah, blah. And Spew all that to my spouse, I protect her from offense. I protect her. So that's one record. What we've got to protect our homes from the attack of the enemy. It's listen, it's okay. If the attack comes from the outside, it just cannot come from the inside. So we protect the purity of our relationship, both from the inside and the attack from the outside. So we that we hear thousands and thousands to be specific, it's 40,000 negative thoughts, and one day. And With every negative thought we need to cover it with multiple positive thoughts. Now, it is natural because we know this person the most, we know, all of our flaws. We know all of our strength. It is easy for us to let down our guard and to speak comfortably and just speak transparently, but we need to be ones that speak life and Stu speaks. 

Learning and to speak promise over one another now. Would you like to give me an example of what you would like to speak to me today? You know yet I just want to say that. Your first of all you're beautiful and I love going on adventures with you and is active service. So I like to respond to a prove it 

And those who love it, will eat its fruit. Six sticks and stones may break my bones. But words will never hurt me. What a lot. You have the power to make your spouse. Fly or suffer. You realize you can make your spouse feel like a million bucks or a person in debt. Your words, James goes, this little Rudder controls. The whole ship. I wonder how your words are affecting your spouse constant. Criticism creates constant insecurity. So that's sure what's the law opposite constant? Praise creates constant confidence. Let's build our lives and build our marriages, amen. Father.